Meet the Owner

Hi, I’m Siobhan Moylan. I first came to yoga in 2001 following a fairly traumatic car accident which left me with permanent lung damage. In the beginning I wanted to improve my lung capacity and maybe tone up my body a bit! I was really surprised at how difficult yoga was for me in the beginning. I was very tight and unfit and not very flexible! And I hated Savasana.That few minutes at the end of the class I dreaded most. A quiet time for the mind to race, a time when I could be doing something more productive. Thankfully the changes came quite quickly. The lung capacity improved dramatically (I haven’t had a chest infection in 18 years!) I got fitter and stronger. But mentally was where the change really happened. I began to notice that I was becoming less stressed, calmer, more in control of my emotions. And one day I noticed that I was no longer dreading Savasana! I was looking forward to that little time at the end of the class where I could just let go, soften and surrender.

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In 2012, I was blessed when my yoga teachers Dave and Laragh Cunningham offered yoga teacher training. It was a wonderful teacher training based on the Synergy style of yoga perfected by Simon Borg Oliver and Bianca Machliss. A style of yoga based on sound and deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology. A style of yoga suitable for everybody. I am constantly learning both online and attending training courses with other teachers who I respect. There is so much knowledge to gain about yoga, I will always be a student. “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn” John Cotton Dana

“Who dares to teach, must never cease to learn” – John Cotton Dana