Welcome to Setu Studio

Yoga for every mind, body and soul, in the heart of Kilcornan Woods

Meet the Owner

Hi, I’m Siobhan Moylan. I first came to yoga in 2001 following a fairly traumatic car accident which left me with permanent lung damage. In the beginning I wanted to improve my lung capacity and maybe tone up my body a bit! I was really surprised at how difficult yoga was for me in the beginning. I was very tight and unfit and not very flexible! And I hated Savasana.That few minutes at the end of the class I dreaded most. A quiet time for the mind to race, a time when I could be doing something more productive. Thankfully the changes came quite quickly. The lung capacity improved dramatically (I haven’t had a chest infection in 18 years!) I got fitter and stronger. But mentally was where the change really happened. I began to notice that I was becoming less stressed, calmer, more in control of my emotions. And one day I noticed that I was no longer dreading Savasana! I was looking forward to that little time at the end of the class where I could just let go, soften and surrender.

In 2012, I was blessed when my yoga teachers Dave and Laragh Cunningham offered yoga teacher training. It was a wonderful teacher training based on the Synergy style of yoga perfected by Simon Borg Oliver and Bianca Machliss. A style of yoga based on sound and deep knowledge of anatomy and physiology. A style of yoga suitable for everybody. I am constantly learning both online and attending training courses with other teachers who I respect. There is so much knowledge to gain about yoga, I will always be a student. “Who dares to teach must never cease to learn” John Cotton Dana

"Who dares to teach, must never cease to learn" - John Cotton Dana

Our Philosophy

At Setu Studio, we believe that yoga is for everyone. Our philosophy is rooted in the principles of inclusivity, accessibility, and community. We are committed to creating a welcoming space where all individuals—regardless of age, body type, or experience level—can come together to explore the transformative power of yoga.

Inclusivity is at the heart of everything we do. We embrace diversity and strive to ensure that every person who walks through our doors feels valued and supported. Our classes are designed to be adaptable and accessible, with modifications and guidance to meet the unique needs of each student. We believe that yoga should be a practice that anyone can enjoy, regardless of their physical abilities or prior experience.

Affordability is another cornerstone of our approach. We understand that financial barriers can prevent people from accessing the benefits of yoga, so we aim to make our classes as affordable as possible. We are committed to ensuring that everyone in our community has the opportunity to experience the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of yoga.

Community is the foundation of Setu Studio. We think of ourselves as more than just a yoga studio; we are a space where connections are made, and a supportive, uplifting community thrives. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or stepping onto the mat for the first time, you will find a warm and inclusive environment where you can grow, share, and find balance together.

a space where connections are made, and a supportive, uplifting community thrives